Tuesday, December 28, 2010

From Hollywood to Hollywood

Someone sent me a DVD to review. Cold requests aren't really my thing but I was too curious to turn down an indie-indie movie made over three years. Yup. Three.

It really got me thinking, and not just about how to phrase the review but also if the tables were turned. If I spent three years of my life making a movie with my sibling how would it turn out? Brothers Coen and Wachowski get along, and the Afflecks are doing well. How would you keep motivated? I get bored waiting for VHS tapes to rewind, let alone a three year family event.

'From Hollywood to Hollywood' was made by two brothers Scott and Jeff Bushaw on a tiny budget and a big dream. It's not the kind of movie that gets reviewed on this blog with its period drama focus. (Clearly the brothers don't subscribe, they've just cast a wide net)

So was it watchable? I'll be blunt. It totally didn't suck! The script is as good as any gross-out comedy I'd pass up on the big screen. The acting is as serious as my Christmas rendition of Rocky Balboa, but if you made it through The Expendables you could handle this. It's hard not to think of it as a home movie, but who cares right? Everybody had fun.

What I did mind was how much I ended up caring about the downtrodden gay porn star brother Skyler. Shame on the writer for putting him (and me) through that debacle near the end; he deserves better. As for the loser older brother Dempster, this character is so awful he distracted me more from the movie than the amateur performances. Not even Adam Sandler movie sidekicks are this annoying!

If 'Road Trip', 'Harold and Kumar' or Adam Sandler movies 1996-2003 are your thing, From Hollywood to Hollywood is great for laughs. Keep writing, Scott. There's another blog post in three years with your name on it!


Phylly3 said...

Interesting that you would review a random indie film by request. That is a very generous thing to do! And even though I can tell the movie wasn't your thing, you weren't entirely negative about it, which I am sure the moviemakers were pleased about.
Even if you don't like Adam Sandler movies, to be compared with him would be high praise indeed for this type of film, I am sure!
Anyway, I am just glad to hear from you in any way, shape or form. :)
Thanks for popping by on my blog too!
How is the house building going? Are you settled in yet?
Hope you are having a nice holiday season. All the best for 2011!

Starheart said...

Hey Phylly!
Ah well the house is built, we're moved in though not all settled. At least we have a driveway, blinds, floor coverings and front door. The rest can wait! I've lived with cardboard boxes so long they can stay.
Have a great new years day, seems only yesterday we were chatting on nat's blog about resolutions for 2010.

Avalon said...

Long time, no talk:) I am behind in the blogging community as I have been too busy to be online. I hope all is well for you. I am trying to catch up on all my dear blogger buddies blogs. I am WAY behind.

I hope you and your family had a Merry Christmas. I wish you a Happy and Safe New Year.

RAFrenzy said...

Well, you made me curious, and that's good. Oh, and I agree with everything Phylly said about your review.

Glad you're blogging again.